1. Did Trump know ahead of time what the Democratic Organised Crime Group were going to do?
Consider this - at what time did POTUS say these words on Nov 4, 2020?
'We don’t want them to find any ballots at four o’clock in the morning and add them to the list.'
2 AM.
The whole transcript is below.
Next question : er, what happened at 4 am?
3. This happened in Michigan at around 4.37am.
NB - after being discovered, the county clerk claimed it was a 'clerical error' and reduced the total.
Explain how Trump's number didn't move AT ALL.
4. I'm sure there are other examples of sudden spikes in votes for Biden, in other States.
But back to the point.
Trump seemed not just to know that they were going to occur, but he knew down to the exact TIME.
Must be a coincidence, I guess.
FakeNews, of course, have been in a frenzy about these vote dumps.
My personal favorite : 'these are mail in ballots and they are counted last in those States.'
That can't be right. Why? The ED vote was still being counted at the time.
5. FakeNews are also contradicting each other to explain the spike.
Here's one liberal saying that the spike was due to Milwaukee finishing it's ED tally :
Here's another outlet saying it was, er, due to mail-in ballots being counted at different centers, then, er, collected together and posted at the same time at the Milwaukee, er, 'central count location' :
Make any sense to you? Me neither.
6. And how do you explain that all (95-100%) of these extra votes are for Biden.
What, NO Trump supporters used mail-in voting? BS. 42% of early votes were GOP.
To claim Biden got 90%+ of the EV/mail-ins in Wisconsin is utter CRAP.
Anyway, you get the drift.
At 2am on Nov 3, Trump PREDICTED that 4am vote dumps would happen.
And they DID. In Democratic cities, with a history of CHEATING.
And nowhere else.
7. My POV?
There are some VERY nervous Dems out there right now. Trump has not conceded. His team is on full-scale counterattack.
That was NOT their plan.
Video, whistleblowers and damning evidence is popping up everywhere.
SCOTUS is unhappy.
And I've long suspected that these corrupt networks were infiltrated by patriots months ago.
The truth? Time is running out for the Democrats.
Watch. The pressure will cause them to panic and make MORE MISTAKES.
Enjoy the show.
The end.
It seems like they're trying to set it up to make it look like Trump is trying to steal the election.
"Always accuse your opponent of what you are doing."
@REX It's possible Trump has spies in the Democrat apparatus or an intelligence agency (or some part of it) is running a sting.
These are not the freakin' military or CIA. It's just a bunch of partisan hacks. These are not super-geniuses working at lower levels.
I think he was sending them a message not to go through with it, but they didn't heed the warning.
I think the "4 in the morning" thing was probably a reference to how they always seem to find ballots at 4 am. I swear that happened somewhere else recently.
That said, while I'm not entirely sure Trump knew the levels they would *go* and just how much cheating there would be, I do think he was ready for it.
And I may be wrong on this, but one thing I had noticed was how very little commercials there were for Trump.
Did he save the money for the eventual court fight?
They will be RATing each other out as soon as they realize they will be doing hard time in Federal Prison.
@HunDriverWidow @REX
Sure hope so.
That many votes exclusively for one candidate? Yeah like that is so believable, not!
It’s obvious fraud. Anyone with half a brain can see it. Trump won’t have any problem proving it. I just hope that these dirty bastards pay dearly for this.
DJT knew all about the voter fraud in 2016. Remember his talking about it & the MSM & Soros-paid-for Secretaries of State refusing to cooperate with cleaning it up. DJT had a plan for this back to 2016.
Let's just say he had the research & data to prove it.
@REX or there were FISAs and he knew exactly what the criminals were doing