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Thomas Wictor

Thread on critical mass.

For decades, leftism gave us hate-filled women, victimhood, rage, Jew-hate, and support for Islamism.

This is the end result.

She is getting so much support that she will become completely unhinged.

The standard bearer for this kind of woman was the late Andrea Dworkin.

Her rage made her become a physical monstrosity.

Dworkin ate and chain smoked until she had every single illness known to science.

"I'm pissed off, man!"

Yeah, but your excesses killed YOU, not me.

The Smiling Somali is as angry as Dworkin.

All the enablers and supporters are a godsend.

Leftists know only one strategy: telling everyone to shut up.

Sane people have had enough.

We now have the Muslim Brotherhood running the United States House of Representatives.

I think we've done enough for Islamism.

Now it's time to say, "You had a great run, but it's over."

The 2020 election will NOT be a referendum on Trump.

It'll be a referendum on the Democrats.

The Democrats offer Islamism and open borders, among other things.

All my life, when Democrats lost, they said, "It's because we weren't leftist enough."

Alexandria Occasional-Cortex has said that the Democrats are going to go flat-out socialist in preparation for the elections.

That's a great idea.

The Democratic presidential candidate will have to be a Stalinist.

I want to see that person defending Stalinism to the American people.

And by 2020, the Smiling Somali will be chanted "Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews" all day and night.

Like Congresswoman Motherf*cker, these pitiful buffoons have never been tested.

Trump is the most ruthless politician in American history.

The Democrats are already done.

But Trump will make them done-er.

There's no need to be angry or outraged.

I had an adventure today:

I walked into the middle of a fight in a convenience store. It was the clerk and a customer getting ready to go at it.

So I went over to them and said, "I'm really sorry you're having a bad day."

And they both stopped.

I said, "Everything's going to be all right. It's all good."

And it was. We all ended up shaking hands.

I was EXHAUSTED afterward.

See, I'm old, and I have multiple incurable illnesses.

Stress is really hard on me.

But these young guys immediately stopped their pre-scripted behavior, and they both said that they really needed to hear what I'd said.

There's nothing to worry about.

Trump's got it.

So let the Democrats implode.

Let everybody hold up the Smiling Somali as the party's face.

It's political suicide.

And that's what sane people want.


@ThomasWic All Trump has to do is keeping provoking the Democrats, which is ridiculously easy to do with airheads like AOC, Omar Ilhan and Rashida Tlaib.

Im so excited! So as it continues to roll like a big sticky ball down hill we get to watch til it blows up. Yae.
Great job at the store. And stress is not good makes a body tense and a mind tired.

@ThomasWic this is not how it is playing out in my observation of people. The common Democrat hates Trump and they are just as extreme and delusional now. They are extremely polarized.

@coffee @ThomasWic One can only be a finite amount of delusional before they become insane. While it seems this way atm I seriously doubt that half the country is insane despite their acting otherwise.

@coffee @ThomasWic Most people now get their "news" from cable tv (and comedy John Oliver); their twitter and FB feeds are echo chambers, but when information does get to them, they are not for the most part crazy....and that is starting to happen. I went to my FB last night -- everybody is afraid to post anything political, so that tells me we are at the head in sand moment ...which is the step after active resistance to information (that was there a month ago); things are moving

@JennyR @ThomasWic I'm not talking about what people do/don't say on the internet. I'm talking about what I observe on the streets, in the gym, at the bar and in coffee shops. They HAVE gone MAD.

@coffee @ThomasWic There too -- the ones that have gone mad,yes, have gone mad. However, people are beginning to speak up, they have noticed the madness. A lot of people's first reaction is to "not see" because they don't want to, BUT the level of support is starting to go away...because the ordinary people are coming to terms with the fact that these people are mad. I don't blame them; who wants to deal with crazy people? But the argument that they aren't crazy is slipping away.

@ThomasWic have you seen the letter from Lindsay Graham to Barry , it was wonderful

@ThomasWic it's just not normal to agree with someone this much. Thomas...even though you have challenges...and have been treated like still put it out there for us. THANK YOU! Soooooo Helpful!


Perfect thread my wise friend. This is the same tact I take when confronting even people on the right getting all worked up over immediate triggers venting that something needs to be done right now. I am beginning to think those who propagate the 'We have to impeach" deals on twitter are nothing but trolls selling rage to get the right unhinged over fools like Omar and the other two twits. There will be a reverberation to their implosion. I'm jut getting out of the way and smiling.

@ThomasWic Oh but with age comes wisdom [or should; I do, unfortunately, know clueless and juvenile older folks]. How many men half your age would have done nothing or, worse yet, amped up the situation? You did well.

@ThomasWic You immerged them in your positive energy. That's the thing: negative energy immediately feels stupid and infantile when positive attitude comes along to elevate things again.Moreover,low energy follows «gravity»:it's the cheapest way to get someone down, yet it only takes a tiny % of elevation to feel better, inspired again (if you are among the bright ones to do so.) Better: Just like Love,positivity is contagious: the more you give, the more you feel it, the more you shall receive.

@ThomasWic You are an angel, actually. We already know Archangel Michael watches over you. You are just the earthly kind, sent by G-d to calm us all down. Thank you.

@ThomasWic Aw Thomas, you are a good man! Thanks for sharing!

@ThomasWic A kind word, spoken at the right time, is very powerful.....

@ThomasWic done-er! Put a fork
in them, they are done done-er!
Love it! 🔥

He likes his steak well done and his Democrats well done-er! 😂