Thread on critical mass.
For decades, leftism gave us hate-filled women, victimhood, rage, Jew-hate, and support for Islamism.
This is the end result.
She is getting so much support that she will become completely unhinged.
The standard bearer for this kind of woman was the late Andrea Dworkin.
Her rage made her become a physical monstrosity.
Dworkin ate and chain smoked until she had every single illness known to science.
"I'm pissed off, man!"
Yeah, but your excesses killed YOU, not me.
The Smiling Somali is as angry as Dworkin.
All the enablers and supporters are a godsend.
Leftists know only one strategy: telling everyone to shut up.
Sane people have had enough.
We now have the Muslim Brotherhood running the United States House of Representatives.
I think we've done enough for Islamism.
Now it's time to say, "You had a great run, but it's over."
The 2020 election will NOT be a referendum on Trump.
It'll be a referendum on the Democrats.
The Democrats offer Islamism and open borders, among other things.
All my life, when Democrats lost, they said, "It's because we weren't leftist enough."
Alexandria Occasional-Cortex has said that the Democrats are going to go flat-out socialist in preparation for the elections.
That's a great idea.
The Democratic presidential candidate will have to be a Stalinist.
I want to see that person defending Stalinism to the American people.
And by 2020, the Smiling Somali will be chanted "Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews" all day and night.
Like Congresswoman Motherf*cker, these pitiful buffoons have never been tested.
Trump is the most ruthless politician in American history.
The Democrats are already done.
But Trump will make them done-er.
There's no need to be angry or outraged.
I had an adventure today:
I walked into the middle of a fight in a convenience store. It was the clerk and a customer getting ready to go at it.
So I went over to them and said, "I'm really sorry you're having a bad day."
And they both stopped.
I said, "Everything's going to be all right. It's all good."
And it was. We all ended up shaking hands.
@ThomasWic Aw Thomas, you are a good man! Thanks for sharing!