& by savage I mean they proved them to be a bunch of lying, cheating & duplicitous Weasels in front of the World.
The Dems should have realized that when they used every rotten #FakeNews tactic their sycophant MSM has pulled on Trump since 2016 in their Audio/Video presentations his Defense Team would have an EFFECTIVE response.
Boy, did they.
On Day One of the Senate Trial the Dems smugly presented heavily edited video, audio & even doctored Tweets to paint Donald Trump in the worst possible light, as a conniving & dangerous Leader of a White Supremacist Movement called MAGA & whose Followers mindlessly attacked a Joint Session of Congress at his behest.
They spent all 14 hours of their time endlessly repeating that Narrative .
When Trump's Team got their turn they BLOWTORCHED the place in 2 hours.
Their Video & Audio presentations were FACTUAL & accurate.
I particularly liked the moment they presented THE WORLD with Trump's unedited statement in Charlottesville.
Their Narrative requires Trump (& all of us) to be racists, so we're racists & all facts to the contrary are dismissed out of hand to defend "Their Truth."
Post Modernism & Fournier's Accountability Journalism on steroids.
That mindset is pure collectivist poison to anyone who doesn't subscribe to it.
As we're finding out.
I laughed so hard yesterday.
Trump's Defense Team, Castor, Schoen & Van Der Veer Took the Dem's "Truth" bent it over, & RAPED IT with savage determination as the Twitterati watched in horror.
The House Managers couldn't recover or even respond, in fact, all of their responses seemed pre-written.
All of their responses completely ignored the Defense Team's presentation, they simply stood there & mouthed their prior, now DEBUNKED claims.
Especially Juan Castro.
Trump's Team had just debunked the Narrative that "Trump never said ONE WORD or lifted ONE FINGER to stop the violence."
They showed 3 Tweets by Trump & one short Video where Trump called for non-violence & for his Supporters to back & respect the Police.
Not ten minutes later Castro repeated his slander by rote.
"DRUMPF, not one word to stop the violence!"
See, this is WHY they need to control the Schools, Courts & popular culture.
To us AUTHORITY & INDOCTRINATION to shield them from reality.
Because they cannot change or adapt their Narratives.
This is a story as old as humanity.
GOOD Souls have a degree of individuality & can SELF-CORRECT.
Trial & error, willingness to adapt to changing events or new information to improve themselves.
The opposite is Mr. Juan Castro, the Left's Poster Boy of their INFLEXIBLE mindset that demands & endlessly tries to RIG THE UNIVERSE to fit their beliefs.
NO ability to self correct.
When that mindset gets power, suffering is inbound.
In the Soviet Union after Stalin gulaged, starved, murdered or drove into exile the Kulaks (Peasant Farmers) the Soviets needed to replace them to keep up food production.
So they assigned city folk to be farmers & shipped them to the countryside.
Problem solved, right?
(X) number of people liquidated,
(X) number of people replaced!
It was a disaster.
Millions starved.
The State & the Soviet Mindset couldn't admit a mistake or adapt as millions starved.
Machinists can't "farm at will."
Just now the Senate voted to extend the Impeachment Trial & to subpoena Witnesses & Documents.
After yesterday were I a Democrat I'd be insisting that they pack it in.
Understand what's happened=
1. The Senate voted to "Open the Door" to impeach former Presidents & Office HOLDERs.
2. They just voted to have Witnesses & Admit documents into Evidence.
Do you **SEE** it yet?
Trump's Defense Team will be able to call Witnesses & present documents to rebut the Democrats.
Yesterday was a Harbinger.
If you thought the Democrats looked & acted cluelessly yesterday imagine what will happen when witnesses & documents are presented OFFICIALLY & ON THE RECORD with the World watching that prove Trump had CAUSE to call for that Jan. 6th Rally.
Which would open the Door to present the ACTUAL VOTE COUNT I 1,000% believe Trump has.
Like I said, COMEDY GOLD.
As Trump burns the Democrat's
BS Narrative to the waterline.
As they POWELESS to stop it or respond effectively.
Trump has been positioning & shaping the Battlespace for years.
Nothing you're seeing unfold is "just happening."
It's torrential STORM will wash away America's Corruption leaving us now able to pursue #AmericanaRISING
These Threads are now my only source of income.
To support my Works please Donate any amount at & I Thank You!
ADDENDUM: Ted Cruz just now on FOX=if witnesses are called IT WILL NOT BE ONE SIDED.
The Democrats will not be the only ones presenting witnesses & evidence.
Democrats are opening PANDORA'S BOX.
(I'm paraphrasing)
Like I said reg. why Graham changed his vote.
That may well be why Graham voted for witnesses.
And changed his vote at the last minute!!
And in the meantime, Biden's $1.xT dollar proposal sits unattended, and the Congress has nothing to do.
This is perfect.
@DuaneCates I do agree with most of what you are saying (love the threads) my only concern right now is the dems and republicans keep changing the rules...what if they agree to just allow 1 witness....can they do that? Makes no difference if it’s legal, they don’t care as long as the outcome is the same. At this point I am no longer surprised by anything that goes on
@JerseyPatriot17 @DuaneCates
Hi fellow New Jerseyan. It seems to me they think they can do whatever they want. The rules don’t apply to them thus they’re making them up as they go along. Do they really believe they’re untouchable or is this sheer desperation? Either way, how does this unprecedented hubris not blow up in their faces, given that they don’t have public support for it? I really don’t know.
@DuaneCates Pandora’s Box has been opened..
@DuaneCates Bring it on Mother Fuckers!!!
Well praise the Lord. It would be just like the Dem clowns to not allow Trumps lawyers to call any witnesses. They just want to drag this out but whateverTrump has this
@Annasmom22 @DuaneCates That would be great news if witnesses can be called from Trump's side. But isn't the senate in charge of approving each witness by a majority of vote? I saw this on Tw@tter.
@AnnaPavlous @Annasmom22 @DuaneCates yeah I’m a bit confused about this? Do they vote on each witness?
@Kitcat @Annasmom22 @DuaneCates That's what I've been reading but unsure how to verify. If that's the case, then democrats will bring whatever witnesses they want, and pick specific ones from Trump's side.
@AnnaPavlous @Annasmom22 @DuaneCates that’s what it sounds like to me as well. They are just drawing this out at this point.
@DuaneCates Pelosi & Schumer on the stand ?!?!?
When I heard there would be witnesses, I got all giggly!
@DuaneCates I think the CNN article is fed by a Judas goat. One thing clear is that DEMs think Trump wants this over quickly because he wants to start his act.
@DuaneCates And the Demon-rats went running after that.
Why do I have a feeling the shit is about to hit the fan??
Per his attorneys:
“The only thing I ask if you vote for witnesses [is] do not handcuff me by limiting the number of witnesses I can have,” van der Veen said. “I need a thorough investigation. ... I need the 9/11-style investigation that Nancy Pelosi called for. It should have been done already. It’s a dereliction of the House managers' duty. Now at the last minute, after a stipulation had been worked out, they want to go back on that. We should close this case out today.”
They want this! They said they’d call Pelosi, Harris amongst a few! Let’s get ready, it’s going to be AMAZING!
@DuaneCates You KNOW Cruz was giddy with excitement when witnesses were agreed to. He's an amazing lawyer.
I appreciate how you share information and enjoy your videos on Rumble. I hope you are 100% back to health and feeling better!
EVEN BETTER: the strongest witnesses for the DEFENSE are on the list requested by the HOUSE MANAGERS!!! So they sneak into the hearing under the radar!!! It’s not going to be someone like Mike Pompeo for God’s sake!!! Put the Judas goats on the stand as “reluctant witnesses”!!!!
@DuaneCates Presented a legal body.
@DuaneCates they voted to have 1 witness and each allowed witness has to have a vote to have them testify. So Dems get whoever they want and the other side gets no one. And leahy gets a vote.
Seriously? 1 witness and everyone agreed to this sham? I’m so sick of this shit show!
I must have missed something. Wasn’t this vote an approval to begin two-hour debate on whether witnesses can be called? One more hurdle?
@DuaneCates But WHY would the Dimwits want Trump to be able to bring in evidence of the fraud?
Will they agree to let Trumps team call in witnesses? I heard they may not but I don’t see how they can keep Trump witnesses from testifying BUT it is the clown show
@DuaneCates Democrats are 100% corrupt and ruthless, but they’re also dumb.
It’s a trap against Trump. If it’s proven he won the election then he will definitely be impeached because many will be going down on both sides and the votes will be there to find guilty. No longer out of office. Impeachment valid. He has to wait till this is over to drop the hammer.
I say all this knowing that it would be this greatest day in television history if Trump came to the floor and blew it up. Sadly he can’t as of yet.
I see that-makes sense. I think they are power drunk and want to be the center of attention.
I see it....