I just realized that Biden's make America moral again can be abbreviated to MAMA.
"Yo Mama so Democrat..."
@DeplorableAynNY Easy, tiger. lol
Joe Biden is a mama's boy
Is that some kind of a sick joke, Marlene?
Did he really say that and expect it would fly?
He really said that. No joke.
@marleneroseb @capnjoe What a joke. Coming from the party of division and no morals.
Coming from a serial groper, that's about as absurd as is humanly possible.
I agree! It's laughable. As if the prior tenant was a saint. For example:
"Louay Safi, formerly executive director of the Islamic Society of North America, visited the White House twice – meeting in intimate settings with Paul Monteiro on June 29, 2011 and July 8, 2011."
"Law enforcement first noticed Safi in 1995 when his voice was captured in an FBI wiretap of now-convicted PA Islamic Jihad leader Sami Al-Arian. At the time of his conversation with Al-Arian, Safi served as executive director of the International Institute of Islamic Thought, an organization listed in law-enforcement and in internal Muslim Brotherhood documents as one of the movement's top front groups in North America."
Here's a piece on how undignified Obama was:
The flies he attracted told me all I needed to know.
He was always excremental material. Never presidential.
@marleneroseb @capnjoe
So...MAMA? He's saying we have to return to MAMA? Lol
@marleneroseb Oh, for sure!! Ha ha