For @Dmca
You wrote, "I am a little puzzled by how the [Obama administration's] pro Iranian policy fits with arming Syrian rebels against whom the Iranians were fighting in their support of the Government of Syria."
A LONG ANSWER is coming.
First, all of Obama's training and arming programs were failures.
The Pentagon Inspector General wrote that the White House demanded approval of squad-level training.
That was how Obama sabotaged his programs.
He did this in Iraq too. The trainers had to spend all their time writing reports and getting approval.
Essentially nothing happened.
Second, the CIA trained and armed ONE group of rebels, and the Pentagon trained and armed ANOTHER group of rebels.
These groups often fought EACH OTHER.
More sabotage.
Third, all rebels we trained had to agree to not fight Assad. Only the Islamic State.
If they fought Assad or Iran, we cut off their funds and flow of arms.
Fourth, Assad, Iran, and Putin used the "Algerian Strategy" to force Syrians to support Assad.
In the Algerian Civil War, the Armed Islamic Group (GIA) had as its motto "no agreement, no truce, no dialogue."
The Algerian government helped the GIA defeat all other rebel groups and become so savage that the Algerians had no choice but to turn to the government for protection.
The Russians bombed everyone EXCEPT the Islamic State.
In August of 2015, former Saudi National Security Advisor Anwar Eshki gave an interview to the Wall Street Journal in which he laid out the Saudi Strategy for Syria.
Of course it was strategic deception.
The Saudis did absolutely nothing that they said they were going to do.
It's clear now that Saudi and allied commandos attached themselves to Islamist rebel groups in order to use advanced weaponry.
All the videos of BGM-71 TOW missiles being fired are fake.
There's always an edit between the firing and the impact. and the missiles are not known types.
This is the video that made me realize what was happening.
The man by the tent took a direct hit from a BGM-71 TOW missile, but he got up and walked away.
Therefore it WASN'T a BGM-71 TOW missile, and the video is fake.
The missile warhead is designed to eliminate collateral damage. Only massively advanced nations could create such a missile.
It's an Israeli weapon funded and used by the Gulf Cooperation Council.
The men firing these advanced weapons gradually "hollowed out" and took over all the jihadist rebel groups in Syria.
All the commanders were killed.
Only Abu Mohammed al-Julani of al-Qaeda is left, and I'm absolutely convinced that he's a Saudi agent.
His background is totally unknown, and he was released from a US military prison in Iraq without explanation.
So, what happened in Syria is that the Saudis and their allies sabotaged Obama's sabotage.
Obama holds Arabs in contempt.
Therefore they easily outsmarted him.
I found tons of video evidence that I'm right. It's called the Third Revolution in Military Affairs.
I can't wait for the Major Motion Picture based on this.
Probably around 2035.
@DuaneCates @ThomasWic
And people will claim it is a fantasy movie.
I'd LOVE to see the rescue of Yemeni Brigadier General Tareq Abdullah Salleh.
I read that he and his family were taken out of Sanaa in armored vehicles that were doing 100 miles an hour, while helicopter and fixed-wing gunships flew ahead of them at street level, blasting the checkpoints with missiles, heavy machine guns, and cannons.
Wouldn't THAT make a hell of a movie scene?
Sounds like they took him and his family out in the same manner as Trump approached the 2016 election
@ThomasWic @DuaneCates
That alone is worth a movie, but again people will say it is too fantastical.
Just dang yes, that would be a scene to see.
@ThomasWic @DuaneCates Whoa.....I hope the vato and his family get rescued. That’s really awful.
Simply amazing.
@ThomasWic Thomas does it AGAIN! Mahalo Sir!
It's amusing to see "anti interventionist", fake pacifists, and leftist cry foul that the US is still doing that with photos of US supplied arms in rebel hands without realizing when they were distributed (under Obama) and ignoring that Trump ended those dubious programs.
@ThomasWic wouldn't you love to sit down and share a beer with that guy. I bet he could tell some stories
That is freakin astounding. The images. "The man by the tent took a direct hit from a BGM-71 TOW missile, but he got up and walked away. Therefore... it wasn't. So excited about the advancements, even knowing just a tip of the iceberg. Thanks and best.