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Deplorable Tiger fan

It begins. Biden is already granting amnesty and passing out Social Security cards to illegal border crossers. Not exactly trying to stop any surge, is he.

No one, absolutely no one deserves SS cards w/o becoming a citizen via the traditional methods of assimilation into American mainstream. There should be no fast track to benefits w/o solemn reverence to citizenry. I would like my fast track PHD, but it would be meaningless w/o the hard work. Idiots now control your government.
Turnip & potato policy running amok.

@DeplorableTigerfan He is such an a-hole. So Mr. Syrian Shooter would have gotten one of them had he waited later to sneak in like a thief and kill fine upstanding American citizens. I'm sure more terrorists will come in and taxpayers are paying for this shite and can get a free bullet in the process.

@DeplorableTigerfan This is illegal, any way you look at it.

@Therayeway @DeplorableTigerfan

It's the Democratic MO. The more illegal and anti-Constitution - the better.