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The chorus of infamous cretins like Axelrod, Lieu, Rhodes and other such vermin regarding @GenFlynn 's pardon are the most perfect argument for the hypocrisy and falsity of the Democrat plaintive cries for unity and kumbaya.

Make no mistake.

This sons of bitches want your freedom, your property and your life.

There is no reconciliation nor will there ever be.


@Debradelai @GenFlynn

There will be no status quo if they get into the White House, Saul.

They will never give up power.

It will be the end of The Republic. The next few weeks are the most important in America's history.

@REX @Debradelai @GenFlynn

100% Agreed, they will rig every election of consequence, only Rinos they approve of will ever get elected outside Dem candidates, just enough to make it "appear" like a two party state, like Venezuela does.

there is no way in hell POTUS will hand over the keys to these loons.

Sleep well.