Quodverum is now a Huge Success
We are now far past the point where you can read everything coming thru on Home & Local. Or even slightly catch up, if you've been away for 2 days. Sure would be nice if you could easily see all toots from yesterday, or 2 days ago, from your favorite few.
May I kindly suggest . . . an ALL STAR group of your top half dozen, in their own separate panel?
1) Here's how. Only takes a few moments.
@UncleBill @Debradelai
Whilst retaining my N00B perspective, I wonder if it might be good to help other new folks find the clues.
Would it be 'scalable' and otherwise apt to have a hashtag like #Tootorials to centralize them?
Perhaps part of the plan of the QV GUI is to function to screen out the dull-witted? I think I am not one of those but it has been a struggle...
Somehow this one by Uncle Bill seems like a good candidate.
Perhaps an organized step by step for entering this place would be nice. Perhaps not.
I found a bit a frustration when first here, more than most, since I wasn't fluent in twitter or FB. But I quickly enjoyed the banter between us here, asking each other for hints.
interaction is the key, right?
Helpfulness encourages a community. Did for me.
FYI ThomasWic has a great video pinned atop his page. Try it. Then look over mine. Then smile & ask around. Welcome