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Synopsis of first half of Flynn interview at:

This is a thread entirely of Gen. Flynn's comments, paraphrased and also verbatim without quotes.

ME: That's how you know it's me talking.

Day 41 with 63 Executive Orders
...going to change things around for the next few years.

ME: True regardless who's in the White House (thanks to SCOTUS). Also, note that Gen. Flynn speaks as if he's mostly out of the loop - waiting and watching like the rest of us.

www.bek.newsThe Right Side with Doug Billings on BEK News

* Trump needed to talk more about the election fraud. More information coming available on the fraud. ...the more digital soldiers dig for more information (the more info we have).
* Wish Trump had been stronger talking about the grass roots. Conservative party now about the working class...

Trump might have received 78-80 million votes

Needs to be cautious and careful about people he has around him, people he keeps as advisors.

* MUST VET - don't recruit anyone but America First candidates, especially at the federal level.
* We don't want people saying, "I'm never going to vote again."
* Those who decide to run for office, we will be there with you. I will be there by your side and help you fight tooth and nail.

Kevin McCarthy is another one besides McConnell. Not a fan of any of these people, they need to go, they need to ALL go.

KEY POINTS (from Flynn, former Democrat)

What I DO buy is:
1) Common Sense
2) Care about the country
3) Not just talkers. DOERS.

ME: That's key message targeting for DEMOCRATS we want on board, the main reasons why we already have so many on board, and why I'm not going to attack "Democrats" (leftist, globalist, and other labels are fine). So simple and yet an eye-opener for me.

We'll see if indictments are coming out of Durham (the "JUST US" department). I don't see it.

ME: Anti-Trump was the establishment pass for EVERYONE.

Trump upset their apple cart so much that ANY criminality to thwart him was given an "atta-boy" pass and, at worst, a slap on the wrist for any PROVED criminality or wrong-doing.

Conversely, ANYONE associated with the Upsetter In Chief was dealt the HARSHEST of criminal treatment, including punishment for crimes cut from whole cloth.


"I'm an eternal optimist. I look at reality, and say, What's real, and what can we expect to happen.

"The one thing I do know that Americans expect is accountability when something is not right. And when somebody does something WRONG. And one of the things that America is a very forgiving nation, of people and patriots. And when people say, "I'm sorry that I did this", or "Please forgive me", America will typically forgive people, and they're good about that."


"What happened on the 3rd of November was unforgivable.

"So how do get from there to here and then move forward.

"I say this with all due respect to people who think something is going to happen on the 4th of March. That date does matter for a variety of reasons, but we have to, peacefully and patriotically, we have to get involved in our communities, people."

@StevenDouglas Totally agree. The election was a real eye-opener. My original disbelief was "They CHEATED". My second belief was "OMG more than half of Americans are easily brainwashed by MSM and therefore incredibly stupid". I have to admit I am included in "waiting for something to happen" crowd. It seems to me a lot has to do with messaging.

@StevenDouglas I believe Andy Warhol once said "The messaging is in the Massage". He was referring to advertising. It seems the MSM has used "talking points" to massage public thought.

@StevenDouglas I'm appalled by the latest traffic accident with 25 human beings being "smuggled" into America in an Suburban. These people will be thought of as victims and they definitely are victims.
The message will be "Open Borders saves lives"
Reality is Democrats use human trafficking to replace SLAVERY to pick their 'f-ing' avocados.
The current child crisis @ the border is an old Cartel trick to divert resources away from their illegal enterprises...
25 migrants= $100,000.+

Earl The Pearls

They drove the Ford Expedition right through a hole in the fence at the border