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Rogan O’Handley 

America is literally under attack

If Dems were confident about the court cases, they would’ve waited to announce Biden as the winner

But they know their fraud will be exposed

That’s why they’re trying to spike the football before the play can be challenged

Imagine celebrating a win before recounts, audits, and court cases have been resolved in a razor close election

Just imagine

We are witnessing a coup

Rogan O’Handley 

I’m old enough to remember when the media announced “President Gore” in 2000 before court cases were settled

How did that end up for them🤔

Wow, and we thought 2016 was the greatest comeback in political history

Stay tuned...

@Bunniesmommy @JM

That’s how they play...if they can’t win...they will burn it down...

Hitler...Husain...Hillary Husain ObamaBiden...

The great irony of Marxism...if you won’t let US LIBERATE YOU from your “hell”...then we will make sure you wished for the days you had hell.