Synopsis of first half of Flynn interview at:
This is a thread entirely of Gen. Flynn's comments, paraphrased and also verbatim without quotes.
ME: That's how you know it's me talking.
Day 41 with 63 Executive Orders
...going to change things around for the next few years.
ME: True regardless who's in the White House (thanks to SCOTUS). Also, note that Gen. Flynn speaks as if he's mostly out of the loop - waiting and watching like the rest of us.
* Trump needed to talk more about the election fraud. More information coming available on the fraud. ...the more digital soldiers dig for more information (the more info we have).
* Wish Trump had been stronger talking about the grass roots. Conservative party now about the working class...
Trump might have received 78-80 million votes
Needs to be cautious and careful about people he has around him, people he keeps as advisors.
@StevenDouglas My crazy thought. What if Trump is waiting for mid-terms, Republicans win house and Senate, Trump declared winner at the two year mark. Serves the two years, runs in 2024, wins the election for another four years.
We need to get busy with our state legislators to get voter laws passed so the machines can’t cheat and manipulate.
Primary all the RINOs that we can at the mid-terms.
We can’t wait to see what Trump does, he’s done what he can, he’s waiting for us to play our part.
Love your thought, and it is crazy, but is it crazy enough to be true? (HT some scientist who isn't alive to care that I didn't bother to Google him for credit)