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AlpineCapital89402 Owner
Bought Silver for a Buck
Business Founder/Incubator
Independent Candidate for National Office
No one an island
Our Newest Work
AlpineCapital89402 Owner
Bought Silver for a Buck
Business Founder/Incubator
Independent Candidate for National Office
No one an island
Our Newest Work
Guv Incitement to Violence
Government Criminality ?
Tucker Carlson
Warns Climate Lockdowns coming
If current D Administration, Congress and Courts have their way
Bill O'Reilly
Calls abortion
The taking of an innocent life
Decries Ds and RINOs requiring US taxpayers to fund it
Applauds Catholic Church calling out
Biden, Cuomo, Pelosi and Catholic Politician Hypocrisy
SLV Target + 145 %
From 23.843 to 58.5
Penetrating stare.
What have we done for America lately ?
Time to rid ourselves of all pretenders.
Check our Constitution for signs...
When this transformation is complete,
Covid Delta will be least of our concerns.
Air, water, food.
Spent two days meditating on eastern shore of Lake Tahoe approaching full moon on beach under stars.
Amazing how clear things become when we take a pause.
We are approaching point of maximum passion.
And maximum delusion.
All that remains is for Pluto return to cleanse our country.
For most Americans,
The issue is air, food and water.
The comintern, represented by CCP Biden/Harris, has taken steps to curtail all three.
Stay tuned.
About to get exciting.
Re this overbought market,
We may be within a day of the top.
Time will always tell.
Ok sports fans.
We are so close to revolution it hurts.
Talking about peace.
Revelation 3:16
So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.
Welcome back
Until B.S repairs itself
There is no point to further
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