Parnell/Kelly have filed at SCOTUS.
If I am correct, this is going to be AWESOME.
2. Looks like they're asking for the following two things:
#1 - an immediate injunction on the crooked PA Governor
Wolf & SOS Bookhvar to stop them from certifying the PA election.
Justice Alito will decide this, I suspect.
#2 - review (certiorari) of the constitutional issues arising from the decision to hoodwink the PA legislature, on late counting of ballots/no signature requirements.
That will be before the whole court, if granted.
They've asked for that decision to be made ASAP.
3. Note - they've specifically included reference to the rogue & corrupt PASC.
You will recall that the PA Supreme Court (PASC) nixed a judgment in favour of Parnell/Kelly, without a hearing. Disgraceful, in every way.
And you know what is best of all?
4. The application is made to Justice Alito.
The same Justice Alito who made an emergency Order a few days ago that the count of mail-in ballots be stopped & separation of those received after Nov 3.
Which, of course, in their panic the scumbag Dems ignored.
5. If I am reading this right, Justice Alito will grant the injunction. Not just that, he may well give the Dems & PASC an almighty ass-kicking as well.
As for the certiorari application, I think a full SCOTUS court will hear it for sure.
It's bread and butter stuff for SCOTUS.
There are clear US Constitutional issues raised by what the craven Dems did, when they hoodwinked the PA legislature just before the election.
6. Most of these SCOTUS judges will already know that the PA Dems have right royally screwed up.
But what is clever about the application is that it doesn't ask SCOTUS to rule at all on the election.
Just to focus on the Constitution.
So I think that they will hear it and issue judgment within days.
7. You know what else I think?
They will rule in favor of Parnell/Kelly NINE- ZIP.
The stakes couldn't be higher. If Parnell/Kelly win at SCOTUS, Biden has no path forward in PA.
I can't see how the election could be certified , let alone how the GOP legislature will be able to choose electors.
If PA falls, so will the other dodgy States.
8. And they will fall because the Democratic Crime Syndicate panicked in the early hours of Nov 4.
And I don't mean in a Jeffrey Epstein way, either.
If SCOTUS rules in favor of Parnell/Kelly, it will be extra sweet because the Dems will have been hoisted on their own petards.
And if PA falls, no amount of liberal tears will prevent the unraveling of this horrific crime, that will surely follow.
And what a wonderful way to end 2020 that will be.
The end.
Amen, brother.
@REX You don’t think the SCOTUS ruling on this would give the PA legislature guidance on how to move forward regarding the electors? Can the illegal ballots be thrown out, or does the whole election have to be declared null and void?
@REX sounds like the best Christmas present ever!!!
@REX PLUS, Sidney and Lin have a press conference tomorrow - I wonder what they’re going to say!!
@REX the world will soon see this is not a “Civil War” as it is being sold.
It’s a Revolutionary War.
The USA fell to the CIA - we reclaim and rebuke the CIA for many around the world who have lived under the tyranny and veiled ignorance the CIA used to subvert #WeThePeople the world round.
How many wars?
How many elections?
How many Renditions?
How many Diesel Therapy tours?
NSAM 55 / 56 / 57 - end the CIA and start w their “Paramilitary” capacities and gagging them.
@thehhpnet @REX Pretty sure Trump is “on it”!!! I think this is part of the reason why he reorganized the pentagon recently!!
He did massive moves.
Trump lit up NSAM 55 / 56 / 57
55 - Clarified only Joint Chiefs ( Pentagon ) could speak w POTUS ( he cut CIA out )
56 - Defined Paramilitary Limits
57 - Removed Paramilitary Abilities of the CIA
Trump activated these 11.18
Trunk didn’t make new NSAM. He activated ones JFK intended to use in 1965 in retaliation to CIA and Allen Dulles over Bay of Pigs.
Then we see reports of a CIA Paramilitary killed in Frankfurt and moved to Somalia.
@thehhpnet @charlotte1958 @REX
"Trunk didn’t make new NSAM. He activated ones JFK intended to use in 1965 in retaliation to CIA and Allen Dulles over Bay of Pigs."
I didn't know that.
@thehhpnet @REX Yes, I remember reading that here recently, about activating JFK’s NSAM!! An internal war between DoD and CIA..
Someone else here has convinced me that a firefight wasn’t necessary to get complete data on the election fraud because POTUS probably had some sort of Stuxnet-type virus on the individual voting machines to report back everything!! They felt like the Frankfurt story was disinfo.. what doc is the excerpt from?
Maybe a cover story? Even so, something big went down!
@thehhpnet @charlotte1958 @REX
US paramilitary flown into Frankfurt from Afghanistan, no less!
Last warning. Keep bullshit disinformation to yourself.
@Debradelai I am not here to cause problems.
"Please read this platform's position regarding the spreading of conspiracy theories/disinformation."
I've gone through:
- social.quodverum.com
- quodverum.com
https://social.quodverum.com/about/more seems to be the 'Rules'.
"Repeated attempts to falsely report accounts out of context will lead to termination of the accuser" I therefore assume = "Spreading of conspiracy theory or false info"
What sources are allowed? I am happy to play by the rules.
"What sources are allowed?"
Probably the stupidest question this year.
There is no Index.
That said, if you are going to make an outlandish clIm such as US paramilitary forces where flown in from Afghanistan to Frankfurt and engaged in combat to take a server from a CIA outpost...you better be able to PROVE it.
Otherwise, we'll take it for what it is: a second rate conspiracy theory elucidated by cretins and propagated by retards.
And act accordingly.
@thehhpnet @REX Reading a book called a Woman of No Consequence about the WWII spy Virginia Hall who ended up as one of the first CIA agents and her FIRST mission involved throwing an election against the Communists in Italy. That was the PREMIERE action of the CIA right at it's founding. It's been going on a LONG LONG time. Disgusting!
Yes there is a high probability of success with this filing.
What is happening with PA legislature and their resolution?
Do they get a simple majority vote on it yet?
@REX If you can check out thread by Dr. Dannielle Blumenthal (Dannielle (Dossy) Blumenthal PhD- she implicates General David Petraeous as having betrayed the U.S.--very interesting thread about what's going on overseas ---and it is terrifying to consider the magnitude of this coup. It's not just about Trump- It is about China.
Entertaining and informative thread.
Very exciting possibilities.
High drama.
Hopefully the Court will follow the Constitution.
I'd be shocked at any sort of 9-0 decision - but like I said, I love surprises...
@REX After the shit show that was 2020 THIS certainly would be a GREAT way to go out in style! Praying!
Republicans in Wisconsin are a bunch of Rhinos! IF the Supreme Court rules correctly maybe that will help them find there courage! The 4:30 am Milwaukee dump for Biden was a complete joke
@REX It would also mean 2-3 more GOP House seats just in PA I believe for the GOP, I think by January the GOP will have the House and will have retained the Senate with room to spare.
Let’s hope any full court rulings are nine-zip
@REX Don’t forget that the Dems vowed to pack the court if they take the senate, they said they would get rid of the filibuster immediately.
So if the cons on the SC do nothing, the Dems will use same tactics to take the senate they used against Trump.
They will then pack the court, and the cons on it will be IRRELEVANT for the rest of their lives.
Now we are headed towards the beginning of the final result.
@REX how can these claims of federal violations be made now for the first time, when the original complaint alleged only state claims under the state constitution?
If they wanted this to go to the SCOTUS, how could they be so boneheaded to allege no federal constitutional claims in the complaint? This failure makes it super easy to deny cert.