1. As predicted, the Democrats and their RINO friends mean to turn Citizen Trump's impeachment into a major spectacle.
This despicable show trial of a private citizen by an illegitimate oligarchy aka 'The Senate', is a first in US history.
Guilt or innocence is irrelevant to these vile scum. Even if Trump is acquitted, as is likely, the FakeNews attack machine will make it appear he should have been convicted.
It's the MO of the People of the Lie.
2. Of course, don't be surprised if they pull a stunt that ends up with blood being spilled and so-called Trump supporters being blamed.
And of course Trump convicted.
We already know the oligarchs are capable of very evil schemes to destroy people.
And they desperately need to make sure Trump never threatens them again.
Trump remains a threat. He is perhaps more dangerous out if office, than in it.
3. My sense is that Obama & Co's plan was to provoke violence on Jan 6 and then all the way to impeachment.
They wanted this sham impeachment of Trump to be drenched in conflict, violence and bloodshed.
Securing Trump's conviction.
It's the way illegitimate governments consolidate their power. It allows them to crack down on domestic enemies, as well as to 'save' the people.
They have tried EVERYTHING. But their plans have FAILED (no surprise, they are losers).
There has been no violence.
4. There are at least 74 MILLION furious and frustrated voters out there, many who are armed to the hilt, but they have MAINTAINED DISCIPLINE.
And respected the law.
This is testimony to the resilience, intelligence and patience of Trump fans. Turns out, years of being under assault have made them TOUGH.
Way, way tougher than the crowd supporting Biden & Co.
Also, we have become SMART. Trump's supporters are canny and understand when they're being played.
5. My view is that Biden & Co may be in real trouble.
They desperately wanted to use the window between Jan 6 and the impeachment sham, to consolidate their illegitimate power grab.
Their aim was to provoke enough violence and bloodshed by Trump's supporters, to secure not just Trump's removal as a threat - but also a widespread crackdown on the huge majority who support him.
Didn't work.
6. Instead, the crooks arrive at Feb 8 widely loathed and openly mocked.
Put simply, the population just hasn't bought their bullshit.
In fact, opposition is likely INCREASING.
Again, the sheer level of opposition is too difficult for Biden & Co and their FakeNews slave dogs, to overcome.
They arrive at the sham impeachment in pretty much the same situation they found themselves on Nov 2, 2020.
Weak, hated, corrupt and illegitimate.
I have no doubt that they will now double down on dumb.
7. The impeachment will be a travesty, of course.
BUT guess what?
Trump, the supreme strategist and showman, also has a say. And he will know everything I wrote in this thread is true.
He would have known months ago.
Of course, the criminals will crow about what a huge success the impeachment trial was.
8. Let them crow. How many will have the guts to walk down the street?
Not many.
They know 80 - 100 MILLION Americans are quietly watching their every move.
Impeachment will make Trump more popular than ever, whether he is found guilty nor not.
There is zero appetite for violence among genuine Trump fans and never has been.
Besides, it's not required.
Biden and his cronies are destroying themselves, after all.
We are patient, and will wait for their inevitable fall.
The end.
Agreed, but the threat of deplatforming from Twitter, Facebook, banks, corporates, all real. The control of information is happening before your very eyes. It’s ugly, and concerning. It’s not just the Biden/Harris regime. In fact, they are the just the anointed ones at the moment.
Freedom finds a way, because it is ingrained in our very being.
Just look where you are now.
It's just a matter of freeing yourself from the chains they're still trying to convince you to wear. There is a world outside of Twitter, FB, and YouTube.
They can try, and they will. But that spark in each of us will find a way.
The media use and obsession with labeling "Trump supporter" is very telling.