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Alex Crouch



In order to argue that Trump will simply accept the results of the stolen election instead of fighting like hell to recover his landslide victory, one must assume the following:

-Trump would hand power over to Biden, allowing Biden's DOJ to screw over his family out of sheer vindictiveness (recall the treatment of Gen. Flynn and multiply it by about a thousand) for as long as it takes to completely bankrupt the Trump family


-Trump would hand power over to Biden knowing full well that he's China's Manchurian Candidate, and sold out to other hostile nations as well

-Trump would hand power over to Biden and simply forgive and forget about Spygate

-Trump would hand power over to Biden and simply forgive and forget about Benghazi

-Trump would hand power over to Biden and simply forgive and forget about Fast and Furious


-Trump would stop being the feisty, combative tough guy from Queens, completely change his personality (which humans don't do, ever) and walk away after having been robbed of his landslide victory like Bernie F%$^king Sanders


-Trump would simply FORGET to use the most powerful military in world history to gather indisputable evidence that he won a landslide victory

-Trump would simply FORGET that this victory was stolen not just from him, but from 80 million Americans who voted for him and supported him, rally after rally, all along the campaign trail


-Trump would let the fraud currently masquerading as an “election system” keep operating unchecked, knowing that the voting machines are hooked up to foreign servers, the outcome being the “election” of candidates in national elections that are genuine security threats to our country

-Trump would ignore the very real national security disaster that this situation represents, while having previously declared by EO that national elections count as critical national security infrastructure


-Trump would betray his movement and lose everything he's worked for decades to build in the world of politics

-Trump would betray his movement and destroy all value in the Trump Organization and the Trump brand, losing everything that he’s worked for decades to build in the world of business

-Trump would betray his movement, destroy the value of everything he’s ever built, and leave his family nothing but ruins

And all for what? To "keep the peace" with people who hate his living guts?


When something doesn't make sense, it's usually because it isn't true.

Trump's "surrender" doesn't make sense.

But Trump doing something totally unexpected and turning the tables sure does.


@alexcrouch Great thread Alex 👍🏻. Biden will never be President. 🇺🇸

@alexcrouch @Cheryl4Trump Great points. The striking one I never thought of is how he crucifies Bernie for not fighting the fraud. If he does nothing then he is doing the same thing!


Now this thread by Alex is not optimism or theory. Just well explained super logical points that make sense to everyone. Of course none of us are privy to the entire picture of what's actually happening beneath the surface in Trump's world, but based on what we DO know, this is the most compelling and well written argument I've seen. Good job kid!

Disclaimer: I'm very new to this great platform and admittedly do not yet know how to use the features correctly. When I do, hopefully after watching the tutorial I will help boost and properly disseminate great threads such as this recent one. :)


It's easy when you get the hang of it.

People say it's easier to use on desktop then on devices, though.

@alexcrouch @Risingson

I use it on Samsung Tablet and it's not to bad, couldn't imagine using a phone.

Great forum, glad i came here.


I run Mastadon on a Galaxy using an app called Fedilab.

I forget how I figured out to set it up, though!



Good thread. You got a new follower.


I hope and earnestly pray you’re right! What you’ve listed in your post is right on and makes so much damn sense-makes me wanna cry! I get so down, then your post comes along and I think it’s gonna be just fine! Our President loves his country and the people in it❤️Thank you


Thank you!

I hope I'm right too!

But I believe it's easier for Trump to fight the steal all the way, than to accept it. It would cost him too much.

@alexcrouch Can you see me? Can you see me giving you a standing ovation? Because I am.

@alexcrouch Trump does not like to lose. Trump is a scrapper. Trump is not giving up. He just is keeping his cards very close and waiting for the correct moment to strike.


That would fit his behavior pattern, for sure!

@alexcrouch If you study The Art of War by Sun Tzu, you will understand Trump's methodology. It's very enlightening.


I haven't read Sun Tzu in a long time, and when I did I was too young to really understand anything in it!

But Trump's been teaching us all a trick or two these past 4 years.

@alexcrouch it's a free ebook on Project Gutenberg

@alexcrouch Alex, you made 100% sense out this election fraud BS. I feel the same way. Thanks for putting it into words.


Thanks for reading! Glad I could contribute something you find to be useful.

@alexcrouch Imagine posting your thread on Twitter! 🤣


That is a frightening thought!

@alexcrouch Your profile page header is very cool. 😎


Thanks! Just a little thing I threw together between projects.

@alexcrouch I lean far left politically, but even I can sympathize with Trump supporters. I witnessed election fraud during the 2016 and 2020 democratic primaries so I know it exists. I recall how votes were switched to Clinton. voters purged. Machines were hacked, Bernie votes stolen. Using 2020 mail-in "smart ballots" was new tactic. Changing 2020 rules last minute to accept ballots AFTER election, another new tactic. Elites are getting more conniving by the year.


Thanks for reading!

I understand that Trump supporters aren't alone in our frustration with the way things are going in our country.

I think we all can agree that the powers that be need to prove to the people that the elections aren't fixed, and that positive changes have been made.

Great points. The dems overplay, continued harassment, and existential threats have made Trump a man with nothing to lose. Nothing more dangerous than going toe to toe with someone with nothing to lose.


He certainly has nothing to lose by fighting, but everything to lose by surrendering!


You put into words what I’ve been trying to get across to so many doubters. Thanks!

@alexcrouch GREAT thread written with a very perceptive eye.


Excellent, thought-provoking thread.

I too do not believe that President Trump has just given up.

None of us, his supporters, know what is going to happen within the next few days. We are all in the dark, but then so are his enemies.

And that’s the way it has to be.


Thank you!

That's so important to remember, that we know so little that Trump does know. And it does have to be that way.


Yes, I think that people forget that when you are in a war (and this is a war), you don’t give away your position to the enemy.

I trust our Commander-in-Chief.

@SandyisGettingSteamed i have always disagreed with the talking heads that telegraph too much info. That’s why I really like how Thomas Wictor helps the readers arrive at conclusions using critical thinking. It’s so logical, but so much so that the small-minded and faithless liberals would never see it as possible.


Agree. Right now the less the Left knows, the better for Trump and for us.

@alexcrouch I am late to this excellent thread. Well said! May I add from my perspective as a wife and mother, Melania would give Donald "one look" and say, "Oh no, you started this fight, and you WILL finish it." There is no way she is allowing her only son to be disgraced forever.


Thank you!

The family angle to this whole thing is so important, and people tend to forget that.

@alexcrouch It is everything! Especially as we are closer to the end of our lives than to the beginning. Believe me, Melania has got this.

@alexcrouch great thread. 💯 President Trump has a great plan and will have a 2nd term 👊🏻👊🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸